I was browsing around and I found Yelle's "new" song. She's making a french version of Who's that Girl from Robyn. I honnestly really like it. It's not some dirty electro effed up in the head song, but it's enjoyable to listen at. We could call Yelle the "French Uffie" or "French Amanda Blank", making songs with the same bitchy style in some cases (of course you need to understand french to find that out...). I just needed to share these finds. Here is the Original and a remix that is pretty neat, Enjoy. The remix is a little more electro, so listen to both!
Yelle - Qui est cette fille
Yelle - Qui est cette fille (FoulHouse remix)
I hope you understand the title.
Archive for July 2009
Yelle is like the french version of everything.
I didn't post much lately because I've been helping my friend to organize a party. It was very, very, very fun. I DJed for the first time outside of my house too! Hah. In this post I'll give you some songs I played at the party. Oh... and it ended with two public security cars and two police cars in front of the house at 2AM. FUN. Whatever, you don't care.
So let's start with this other Amanda Blank song, because many people (including me) "fawking love her". This song is not as amazing as Might Like You Better but still is really fun. It's less electro oriented but hey, it's still Amanda Blank. MAKE IT TAKE IT. Here you go, enjoy.
Amanda Blank - Make It Take It
Then I have this N.A.S.A. song that is starting to be played a little bit too much, let's hope it won't be a Day n' Nite V2. Aston Shuffle remixed this one and it's pretty good. The bass is groovy and makes it a perfect track to play when you want people to dance.
N.A.S.A. - Gifted (The Aston Shuffle Remix)This next song is my favorite right now, really. Starry Eyed, remixed by Jakwob. This song is just... fawking amazing... it's insane (if you like dubstep ofcourse!). It has the same "style" (if you want to call it style?) than Little Bit by Lykke Li. Starts with a song that makes you think the songs is just commercial but then... you'll see, you'll love it. Boost the bass and the treble and play it loud.
Ellie Goulding - Starry Eyed (Jakwob Remix) [Very Fawking Hawt]
While looking at some mix's tracklists I found these two next songs. These are very very groovy song that makes you bang your head, so be ready for it. The first one is more like house, but the second is what you could call "dirty electro". PUT YOUR HOOD UP.
DiscoTech - Put Your Hood Up (Thug Rave Mix)
Guns'N'Bombs - Riddle of Steel

So finally after my week gone somewhere that is far from civilization (just kidding.), I'm back, and with new music (finally). Some of these songs are stuff I listened to while beeing in my car for 12 hours in a row or just while on the beach. Whatever, it's all good songs and I doubt you'll not love any.Talking about love, Justice made a remix a couple months ago that I restarted to listen at. It's very slow (like 105bpm I think) but catchy and relax. Like every Justice song, it sounds old school and it sure is here. Not good for dancefloors, but awesome for anything else.
Lenny Kravitz - Let Love Rule (Justice Remix) (link removed)
I know I'm late... but here is a good Michael Jackson song that got remixed. For anybody that didn't know what P.Y.T. meant in the song D.A.N.C.E., it means Pretty Young Thing. P.Y.T. was composed by Michael Jackson and here is the remix. It's somewhat repetitive but pretty groovy so you should like it, I do.
Michael Jackson - P.Y.T. (Marquis Remix)So my favorite song this week is obviously Shoes, the Noob Remix. It's not the kind of song you can like when you first listen to it but the more you listen to it, the more you'll get addicted to it. The reason why I love it is because I heard it before it actually got popular (ish) during a Justice show if I remember well. No need to tell you how awesome it was blasted on some insane sound system and with an insane croud aswell. Pump up the bass and listen to this. Oh and by the way, Tiga is from Montreal, REPRESENT.
Tiga - Shoes (Noob Remix) (Link removed) [Very Fawking Hawt]
Some old remix I came across while traveling. A remix of the well-known Warp 1.9 by Bloody Beetroots, renamed to Warp it Down by John Roman. It's a kind of mix between Warp and Shake it Down. Fun stuff.
John Roman - Warp it Down
This summer could be called "The Girl Summer". Why? Because so many female singers got popular, and fast, with their new albums, or even debut album. Let's start with Amanda Blank. It's the new Uffie, but with better lyrics or just simply a brain (I love Uffie but her songs' lyrics are retarded). Her songs are like Girly-Bitch-Electro-Rap. The most catchy is certainly Might Like You Better (post title). I like the lyrics, they are catchy.
Amanda Blank - Might Like You Better [Very Fawking Hawt]
Then OBVIOUSLY there is La Roux that has been on top of the hypem charts and on every blog lately. The music she does is not some big ass beat or anything but it sounds more like some "normal pop music" with a BIG bonus... it's electro and it's good. She's great and her hair is amazing.
La Roux - Colourless Color
Then there is the Yeah Yeah Yeahs that got remixed by MANY artists including MSTRKRFT. My favorite remix is clearly this one, you'll love it. Here you go: Heads Will Roll, remixed by Ryan Nexus. Love it.
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Heads Will Roll (Ryan Nexus Remix) (Link Removed)
The Last one for now is a song I really really really like. Don't get fooled by the start with the girl singing on top of this relax guitar riff. Wait until you hear that glitchy sound, that I call myself the Game Boy black and white mario edition with pikachoos and guns pew pew pew everywhere sounds. One of my favorite this week. Not danceable but awesome. And awesome is awesome in this case.
Lykke Li - Little Bit (Death to the Throne Re-Remix) [Very Fawking Hawt]
So Yeah...
I'm gone for a week to see family and stuff... don't have any ways to upload music at all so I'll just link something if I need to.

I don't feel like getting mad anymore so I will stop my post here. Sorry but this keyboard makes me want to cut my wrists and suicide. It's like a laptop keyboard but even worst: the keys are small and stick to my fingers and ... and ... whatever.
PS: I'll try uploading Kisses and Thugs when I get back home and giving a good link to it if anyone still wants it.