Ok, I'm REALLY pissed that my first post got deleted. I'm sorry for everyone who didn't have time to read it (you clearly missed out). Don't worry, I'm going to make it up to you this week with some sick new (and some old) shit.
For a while now, MGMT have been stealing the spotlight. Everybody likes their nice calm music and so do I, but I prefer when their songs are remade by another (equally awesome) artist. Bring out the Soulwax!
Kids - MGMT (Soulwax Remix)[Insanely Fawking Hawt]
I love remixes of almost anything. Most of my posts are going to include remixes, but a rare few are also going to include Mash-Ups. For the retarted few of you that don't know what a mash-up is, it's one song made up of two combined songs. These are usually pretty sick because they include groups you'd never EVER think would play together. This is a mix of both remix and mash-up. A little Arctic Monkeys mashed up with some Beastie Boys, then remixed by none other then JUSTICE! PUT YOUR HANDS UP!
When The Sun Goes Down - Arctic Monkeys vs. Beastie Boys (Justice Remix)
Finally, this is for those of you who, like us, are currently going through a period of insane spam studying. This calm set will help get you through this torture much faster and will even stop you from going on a suicidal killing spree at your school when you can't take it anymore. Seriously, its already stopped one of my friends from going on a rampage.
Soundbite 005 (May, 2009) - Sllavie[Very Fawking Soothing]
Sllavie is an amazing artist who has made a great amount nice, calm, house sets just for us science students (or more particularly anyone with final exams). His blog has almost all of them up for download. Enjoy and good luck getting out of the hellish nightmare we call the end of the semester!
Sllavie's Blog
Deposit Yang Gampang Dan Praktis Hingga Hal Dasar Tentang Judi Tembak Ikan
Bermain judi secara online jelas lebih diminati sekarang. Akses yang sangat
praktis dan serba gampang menjadi salah satu alasan yang jelas tak dapat
It stopped me. God Damn I love you Sllavie.