I went to Saintwood Festival at Metropolis yesterday and it was massive. There was Calvin Harris, Laidback Luke, Brodinski, Sound of Stereo, Nero, Love Thy Brother and Kid Aloha. If you don’t care at all about my life, skip to the next paragraph. I went there with one of my friends and when we met, he was already passed out because he smoked too much. Hahaha, must’ve sucked. I “took care” of him (standing by him and waking him up every time I felt like he needed to see something) and went outside to smoke every hour or so. What I really love about this kind of event is that every time you go outside to smoke, you meet about 10 people. I love it. I was really surprised by the number of Europeans out there, I met like 15. For some absurd reason there was also A LOT of McGill Med school students… what the hell.


The show started really early (I missed a little bit of it, it started around 8). The place started being packed around midnight so the show actually “started” around that time, I think that it was Brodinski that was playing during that time, correct me if I’m wrong. To summarize, every single DJ did an amazing job yesterday, but Laidback Luke was the best, HANDS. DOWN. Every DJ had a solid set and I didn’t hear many boring tracks, it kept the hype high.

Calvin Harris came in around 12:45 and he “delivered”. I really enjoyed his set, because it was different from the other DJs that were before him. He played remixes of his own tracks and other disco-ish tracks that got “electrified”. It was a lot and a lot of fun. The crowd really liked him as well. You can probably find videos of his set on youtube.

Laidback Luke was the last DJ to play. And… he was insane. Now I know why he’s a legend. He did amazing transitions and really “DJ”ed with skill. He scratched a little bit as well. That guy knows how to mix and to get the crowd mad. People were going nuts and there was absolutely NO ONE smoking outside when he was playing. Everybody stayed until the end. Laidback Luke is messed up, in a good way.

The night was a success, the lights were really cool, the cotton candy wasn’t too bad either and the beer was… well… still overpriced. I would like to thank Saintwood for organizing the event. Oh also, I found a pair of glasses.

Here are a couple tracks to remind you of the night if you were there, and to make you feel bad for not coming if you weren’t there!

Calvin Harris - You Used To Hold Me (Laidback Luke Remix)

Duke Dumont – Hoy

Laidback Luke & Lee Mortimer – Blau!


Upcoming Pop Stars?

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Before I start commenting on the upcoming all-stars, I need to say that the rock I usually listened to was Death Metal, so for me, Metallica is soft-ish rock. You’ll understand why I say this later.

image The manager of the band “Everyone’s Talking” sent me their newly released album Dragonflies and I finally got to fully listen to it. I have to admit it’s really not my favorite musical style, but it is really good and I really enjoyed listening to it. It’s pop music that is slow and soft, but sometimes gets groovy. It will definitely play on radio a lot in the upcoming months; as soon as radios get a copy of the album!

They call their style Piano Rock, which is pretty accurate considering that most of what you hear is piano, with some other instruments like guitar (with vocals of course). It is very… “soft rock” music and totally unrelated to the usual blog posts, haha. I’m having a hard time actually explaining what the music sounds like, but I’ll leave you with a sample so you can try to “understand” what I can’t say in words! The first thing I thought about when I listened to it was “woah that’s like avenged sevenfold but softer”. I don’t know why. It sounds like coldplay as well.

Their album is up on a “pay what you want” website so just check their myspace for the link and more information about the band! If you like the tracks below, buy the album! Show them your support! They deserve it! Here is the most “electronic” track off their album. With another track that I really liked.

Everyone’s Talking – War pt.2

Everyone’s Talking – Dragonflies II (“ELECTRONIC” TRACK)

It’s easy to see these guys worked very hard on the album and they deserve fame, money and women. haha. They’re good, really.


March Break Special

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Hullo people. It’s finally march break… that means we have a week to sleep, eat fast food and party. Or if your name starts with W, you may go to Vancouver. OH BY THE WAY, Will is gone to Vancouver to see the Olympic games so when he comes back, yell at him and tell him he’s a lucky son of a bitch. GO CANADA GO…


Many events have been confirmed last week/lately and it seems like there will be many fun stuff happening this spring. (To see what was already confirmed, check THIS post) First thing happening is the ILOVENEON & HIGH FOOD Festival from March 25th to March 27th. The line-up is pretty neat on the first and third day (the second day is not as interesting for the price). Here are the line-ups for the 3 days:

1st day: Benga, Flying Lotus, Lazer Sword + MORE.

2nd day: Duchess Says, Joakim, Le Matos, Why Alex Why + MORE

3rd day: PROXY, FAKEBLOOD, BOY 8-BIT, Jordan Dare, Thomas Von Party + MORE (this is a fucking MASSIVE LINE-UP)

Like you can see, the important names are in red. The first day is going to be a lot of bass (Benga’s dubstep is really sick), but beside Benga, I don’t know the others very well. The second day is a little expensive for the DJs in my opinion (same price as the other days) and isn’t as interesting, I’ll probably sleep to get ready for… THE THIRD AND LAST DAY IS GOING TO BE FUCKING INSANE, THIS LINE-UP IS FAWKING MASSIVVEEEE. Proxy, Fake Blood and Boy 8-Bit are all amazing, really. Jordan dare is also really fun and listening to Tiga’s younger brother Thomas won’t be too bad either! 1 day is 25$ and after that if you take the 2day or 3day pass, it’s 20$/night. I’m pretty sure I’ll go to the third day, it’ll be INSANE.

I’m not done.

On April 10th, there will be JFK (from MSTRKRFT), Jordan Dare (again..) and St Mandrew. The price isn’t confirmed yet, but It’ll be around 20$ I think, I’ll keep you guys posted. This ought to be a fun night, JFK is awesome. I miss MSTRKRFT; last year’s show was super cool.

Guess what? I’M STILL NOT DONE. Holy shit this spring will be fun!

On May 8th, there will be the Ed Banger Party (without Justice…). The present line-up is Busy P and SO ME, but more DJs will be added soon so I’ll keep you up to date with that also. If you like what Justice plays, you can’t miss this event (they all play the same tracks… or almost), I’ll probably go also (unless I have finals to study that week…). Like the 2 other events, this will be happening at SAT, but this one could be costing a little more since Ed Banger Crew is very… J… I mean… greedy.   (:

Other shows are happening, but I don’t personally think they’re worth mentioning. I’m not saying they’ll be boring, I’m just saying that they’re not as awesome as m… I mean, the other shows. If I had more money I would go to most of them even though I didn’t mention them here. Check iloveneon.ca for info on the other shows.


Of course a post without music is really bad and anyways, I downloaded about 300 amazing songs in 10 days so I have a lot for you. Don’t forget this is my March Break Special.

Like some of you know, Rusko joined Diplo’s (WOOOO.) label, MADDECENT and just released (officially…) Woo Boost yesterday, so now I can post it without having MADDECENT on my ass. Rusko played it at Igloofest if you wanted to know. I won’t talk about the other tracks too much since I’m posting 11… Read the comments in purple if you want a brief description. I would download all of them if I were you though.

Rusko – Woo Boost (Wobble Wobble)

Afrojack – Pacha On Acid (Thanks to Gottadancedirty for this one)

Afrojack – Bangduk (I don’t like posting set rips, but this one is worth it)

Afrojack, Bobby Burns – Ghettoblaster (Yes, Afrojack again. He’s on fire lately, releasing A LOT of awesome tracks)

Tocadisco feat. Nadia Ali – Better Run (Afrojack Remix) (This track is really, really sick. Afrojacked, again.)

Jason Derulo - Whatcha Say (Afrojack Mix) (Another rip from a set, this one is really awesome and is probably one of the best remixes of Whatcha Say)

Switch – Grace (Laidback Luke Edit) (This song is sick. Seriously.)

L-Vis 1990 - United Groove (MJ Cole Remix) (Thanks again to Gottadancedirty for this one. This song is DIRTY, VERY FUCKING DIRTY)

Robbie Rivera, Dero - 1980 - Maurizio Gubellini Insane Mix (BLEEP BLEEEEP. This track sounds more professional, but still dirty.)

Booty Luv - Say It (Nero Remix) (Very good dubstep track, but not dirty at all, even your mom could love it! cough cough “it”)

Excision ft. Datsik - Retreat (Original Mix) (WHAT THE FUCK. If you don’t know what these guys make… this is some massive bass/darkstep. It’s sick.)

Have a nice March Break and enjoy these tracks, they’re all awesome.

If you’re from Montreal and want me to buy your tickets, here is my policy: No refund and no tickets before I get the cash. I don’t buy more than ONE batch of tickets so once I bought mine, if you forgot to ask, you need to buy it yourself. Also, if it’s 34.01$, I ask for 35$. I’m J… I mean… greedy.

Late information: If you like “chill” dubstep like the song Say it (posted above) or Starry Eyed (Jakwob remix) (posted somewhere on the blog, be the first one to use the search feature!), Luvstep is for you. It’s an hour mix with all very good dubstep songs and it was posted for Valentine’s Day (I know this is a late info). For more info on DJs and the tracklisting + download link go to luvstep.com. This would deserve a full post talking about how awesome the mix is, but heh, I already have enough stuff to post right now.
